Speaker Schedule

Members are scheduled to give Feature Presentations (3 or 8-minutes) approximately six weeks out. Our calendar of scheduled speakers can be found below. Please review our policies on Feature Presentations here. The speakers' schedule is maintained by the Chapter's Secretary/Treasurer.

A few reminders:

  • Speakers should fill out a bio and identify and ask another Member to read your bio on the day of your presentation. Bio Sheet 1, Bio Sheet 2 
  • If you are giving a Feature Presentation (3 or 8 minutes), it is the presenter's responsibility to coordinate with the other presenter who will bring coffee and snacks.
  • If you intend to show your presentation electronically, you may do so on the monitor located in the BNI meeting room. There is Wi-Fi and a USB-C to HDMI adapter. Bring the power supply for your laptop and a back up of your presentation on a flash drive.
  • Important! Once you are officially scheduled, if you need to reschedule, s/he must arrange to find a substitute/replacement with another Member who is already scheduled to speak. Once you've found a replacement, inform the Secretary/Treasurer of the change.

Click here to view our Holiday Schedule.